Returning home from a celebration in honor of the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the car carrying Eitam and Naama Henkin and their four children came under fire as it slowly made its way through the windy roads of the West Bank. Spotting the vehicle’s Israeli plates, Palestinian terrorists unleashed a volley of bullets...
There’s a Hole in Our Map (and Our Sensitivity)
At Stanford, I checked my privilege. But not the way I was hoping to. Coming to Stanford from a largely white and affluent suburb of New York City, I am aware of my privilege. And that’s why I was excited to come to Stanford–to meet new people and to have my old...
A Breakup Letter to Europe
Dear Europe, You and I share a special bond. I, Leora, harbor only warm and fuzzy feelings of my studies in France (except, of course, when anti-Semitic protests raged through my sleepy town of Annecy) and pleasant memories of my trips to Italy and Greece (except when I counted...
Important Alliances
The state of Israel has been an ally to the United States of America since its’ birth in 1948. This has been a relationship that has been cultivated over decades and has proven mutually beneficial to both countries. Whether financially, militarily, medically, technologically etc., the partnership that has existed between these two countries...
Benji Lovitt comes to UB
SUNY Buffalo’s Emet for Israel supported group, UB for Israel, was very excited to bring Benji Lovitt, an Israeli comedian, to their university and share his comedy expertise with their peers. From Taglit Birthright to camels, Lovitt made the audience roar with laughter as her talked about many different aspects of Israeli society....
An Interview with Bassem Eid
Palestinian human rights activist Bassem Eid is most well known for “raising awareness according to the realities on the ground” on the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Bassem, born and raised in Jordanian occupied East Jerusalem, began working for B’Tselem in 1988 to advocate for Palestinian human rights. Since then, he has broken...
Gilad Skolnick Goes to George Mason
On October 19th Gilad Skolnick, CAMERA’s Director of Campus Programming, visited George Mason University (GMU) where he met with leaders of the Israel Student Association, our EMET for Israel supported group on the campus. During his visit there was an Israeli triva event organized with Hillel, in a nearby restaurant. About 25 birthright alumni...
The Man Behind the Incitement
Recently, at his address to the United Nations General Assembly, Mahmoud Abbas, President of the PLO, opened his speech ‘raising the alarm’ to the world as to his version of the facts on the ground as they stand in relation to the most disputed piece of real estate in the...