In his article, “Israel’s treatment of African refugees reveals racism,” Jose Sanchez asks if black lives matter in Israel. As someone who has spent over two months in Israel total, I can answer his question in capital letters: YES, black lives do matter in Israel. Israel is a multiethnic, multi-religious democratic...
Indiana Representatives Say No to Discrimination
On January 26th, Indiana’s House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill banning state transactions with entities that boycott Israel. The bill asserts that the effort to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel is “antithetical and deeply damaging to the cause of peace, justice, equality, democracy and human rights for all people in the...
Liberal Universities: The Heart of Intolerance
I go to a liberal university. A university where in the post modern world, no statement is left unquestioned. Where nothing is fact, but merely a social construction. Reality is disputed to the extent that there is no actualization of concepts, they are simply all conceptions, built up by...
USF: The Story that Should Have Been Told
For those of you who have been following the recent vote on boycotting Israel at the University of South Florida, you will be happy to know that though the decision to boycott originally passed, it has now been vetoed by Student Body President Andy Rodriguez and Vice President Michael Malanga. We...
Druze Delegation at NYU
On November 2nd, 2015, New York University’s Emet for Israel supported group, Realize Israel, hosted a delegation of Druze leaders from Israel. The Israeli Druze Alliance brought a group of IDF soldiers of Druze descent and other leaders in the community to NYU in order to speak with students about what it’s like...
Letter to the Editor: ‘This resolution does not contribute to the peace process at all…’
I am a senator, one of 60 voted into the positions by the student body. It is in honor of this faith that I stood in opposition to the divestment resolution this past week. To be clear, I am all for a socially just investment policy. Our great school and...
When Terror Strikes and the Response is Silence
After the horrific murder of Dafna Meir on Sunday, January 17, 2016, there was widespread condemnation by most pro-Israel groups. When one claims to be “pro-Israel,” it is expected that when an Israeli mother is stabbed to death in front of her six children, a critique of such an attack would ensue. On...
Neil Lazarus Visits Queens College
Neil Lazarus came to speak at Queens College on October 28, 2015 about current events in the Middle East. Lazarus gave a lecture to members of Emet for Israel supported group Queens College’s Israel Student Association for about an hour throughout which he discussed the conflict and issues Israel is facing...