University of Windsor’s Emet for Israel group, Jewish Students Association (JSA) organized Paint4Peace, a highly successful event involving a number of campus groups. All proceeds went to Save a Child’s Heart (SACH). Over thirty law students from varying affiliations, including the Muslim Students Association, the LGBTQ club, the South Asian Law Society, and...
Has Israel replaced South Africa as an Apartheid state?
George Mason University‘s Emet for Israel group, Israel Student Association (ISA), recently hosted an event focussed on answering allegations surrounding whether or not Israel has replaced South Africa as an Apartheid state. The intention was to get to the root of this bothersome question and to tackle it head on through education....
Brave Miss World Screening at UMiami
The University of Miami’s Emet for Israel group had a Brave Miss World screening on March 28th, which was co-sponsored by AEPI, No Zebras, and Her Campus. The students who came watched Brave Miss World, a film that tells Former Israeli model Linor Abargil’s story and focusses primarily on women’s rights in Israel. The audience...
Interfaith Dinner at Laurentian University
Laurentian University’s Emet for Israel group, Jewish Student Association (LUJSA), organized a great initiative, which was in partnership with LU’s Muslim Student Association and the university’s Christian Fellowship. The groups came together to hold an interfaith dinner and discussion at Tandoori Tastes restaurant in Sudbury, Ontario, which took place on the night of...
‘Free speech’ is Not a Cover for the Incitement of Violence
Paul Bronfman’s principled decision to pull funding from York University must serve as a wake-up call: the university has a real and pervasive problem with anti-Semitism that it is failing to acknowledge. York administrators are far more willing to moralize in hazy abstractions of “free speech” and “inclusivity” than to...
The Time is Now
Picture this: advocating on a college campus for a democracy that has legal protections of LGBT individuals, equal rights for men and women, protections of religious minorities, and has a vibrant economy that’s home to incredible technological, medical, and agricultural innovation. Then imagine being attacked, threatened, or shoved aside for...
Next Year in Jerusalem
They wandered in a desert for forty years. They were exiled from their land. They were enslaved. They were persecuted. They were outcasts. They were blamed for natural disasters; blamed for economic woes. They were forced from their homes. They were slaughtered by the millions, several times over. And...
The West’s Pro-Palestinian Obligation
Any person who claims, publicly or privately, to value human life, freedom, truth, equality, self-determination or any other human rights claim must stand in support of the Palestinian people. As shown by the Jerusalem Institute of Justice’s research the Palestinians’ basic human rights are violated daily, their children are indoctrinated...