2 minute read

New Enemy, New Strategy

How would you define what ISIS is? You might be tempted to say “terrorist group.” But ISIS is more than just a terrorist group. Like Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon, ISIS controls territory and governs civilians. Policymakers, scholars, and analysts have fallen back on old, worn-out terms to...

2 minute read

Pop The Misconception at George Mason University

In advance of Students for Justice in Palestine’s National Student Conference held at George Mason University on November 3rd, the students of CAMERA-supported group GMU Israel Student Association tabled with the theme “Pop The Misconception.” On display were attention-grabbing and misleading media stories covered by CAMERA researchers. The students used bubble wrap...

2 minute read

A Nation of Hope

Imagine you’re 12 years-old, it’s a hot, summer afternoon and all you want is your favorite ice cream. You ask your mother to let you go get one from the store just a couple blocks from your house and eventually she says yes. As you’re walking the two blocks to...

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