Teen Vogue, a Conde Nast publication aimed at teenage girls with a circulation of over a million, has shifted away from a focus solely on fashion and shopping to include political issues. Its February 27 piece entitled “The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: What You Need to Know” suggests that shift also entails publishing factually shoddy commentary. Despite the ambitious title and long length, the one-sided account...
Statement on OSU Hillel Cutting Ties with B’nai Keshet
Hillel at Ohio State University has cut ties with Bnai Keshet, a Jewish LGBTQ group, because they co-sponsored an event with Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). On March 3rd, JVP and Bnai Keshet jointly sponsored a Purim drag show raising money for LGBTQ refugees. Aviva Slomich, International Campus Director for...
Jews Anti-Semitically Abused at London School of Economics Richard Falk Event
This is a first-person account from the launch of Richard Falk’s new book, this week at LSE in London. The LSE event last night (Monday) with antisemitic speaker Richard Falk (nominally launching his new book) was truly horrible. Several hardcore alleged anti-Semites were there. Falk predictably championed the paper that was removed...
Bassem Eid Brings a Fresh Perspective to KCL
With Israel Apartheid Week looming at KCL, Bassem Eid, one of the BDS’ most famous and renowned opponents flew into London with CAMERA on Campus. The event was held as a pre- Apartheid Week, or a pre-Israel hate week, block at King’s College’s Waterloo Campus on the 6th February 2017....
“Hate Spaces” Film Review
The film, “Hate Spaces” extends beyond its immediate subject matter. Although at its core, it speaks to the evils of anti-Semitic fervor that plague college campuses around the nation, the film addresses larger issues about intolerance in this country. Just shy of two hours, “Hate Spaces” is a film about...
Statement on Anti-Semitic Fliers Distributed at University of Illinois
This week, a horrifying flyer was distributed in the University of Illinois, Chicago. Aviva Slomich, International Campus Director of CAMERA, made the following statement in response to this horrendous anti-Semitism. “My grandfather fought the Nazis and their fascist allies in WWII, my father stood up against the Neo Nazis and...
South Africa and Palestine – When a Narrative Falls Apart
The event “Parallels: South African Apartheid and Occupied Palestine” open to the public at Hunter College this past November and hosted by the Palestinian Solidarity Alliance (PSA) was a failed attempt to connect the struggles between present-day Palestinians and Black South African residents in the 1960s. By bringing in Bonita...
Six Years of Civil War
March 15th 2017 marks the six year anniversary of the war in Syria. Since 2011, there have been thousands killed and injured in fighting, 4.9 million refugees, and 6.3 million displaced people within the country’s borders. The numbers are unimaginable, and the stories told through photos are unbelievable. Apart from...