4 minute read

Israel’s Battle Against Terrorism

Between April 2022 and April 2023, 27 Israelis were murdered by Palestinian terrorists. These individuals were murdered going about their daily lives; walking about in Israeli cities, waiting at bus stops, working their jobs and even while enjoying a drink at a Tel Aviv bar with friends. Palestinian leaders across...

5 minute read

Francesca Albanese And The UN’s Anti-Israel Bias

On 26 April, Israel’s Independence Day, the Jewish Network for Palestine (JNP), a fringe organisation, held a Zoom lecture with Italian UN Special Rapporteur to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese. Other speakers in attendance were Israeli Professor of History at Exeter University, Ilan Pappe and SOAS Professor Nur Masalha. The JNP is linked to the anti-zionist Jewish...

4 minute read

Who gets to talk about Israel?

Israel is an apartheid, genocidal regime and anyone who disagrees with that reading of history is a white-supremacist bigot promoting violence who should not be allowed onto campus.  Sound familiar? This radical reading of history, wholly unsupported by any evidence, is the standard vitriol that many university students are exposed...

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