5 minute read

CAMERA on Campus in the News: Antisemitism, anti-Israel bias worries US campus students

Correction: This article originally described the establishment of a “new Mizrahi group” but actually referred to the relaunch of CAMERA’s fourth annual Mizrahi awareness campaign entitled “Mizrahi Stories”. Despite massive protests by hundreds of students, community members, and Jewish organizations, to stop the spread of antisemitism on campuses, the University...

4 minute read

Anti-Israel Student Groups Host Iranian and Palestinian Terrorists; Does Anybody Care?

Many university administrators have long failed to recognize and address the problem of Jew-hatred, often spread under the auspices of criticism of Israel or supposed solidarity with Palestinians. Today, some student groups and their off-campus affiliates have colluded with openly antisemitic figures. In some cases, these also happen to be...

3 minute read

הודעה לעיתונות: סטודנטים מנהיגים מתכוננים לקרב נגד הטיה בכנס של -CAMERA

Boston, MA – August 4th, 2023   CAMERA on Campus, חטיבת הקמפוסים של הוועדה לדיוק בדיווח וניתוח במזרח התיכון, חוגגת את ההצלחה האדירה של המפגש השנתי השלוש עשרה של סטודנטים מנהיגים בעיר בוסטון, מסצ’וסטס, שהתקיים בין ה-28 ל-30 ביולי 2023.   סטודנטים נסעו מרחבי ארצות הברית, בריטניה וישראל כדי להשתתף...

2 minute read

Statement: CAMERA on Campus UK Condemns Flagrant Antisemitism within the Islamic Student Association of Britain

LONDON – August 7th, 2023  A report published by The Jewish Chronicle (UK) on August 3rd, 2023, identified that the Islamic Student Association of Britain (ISAB) hosted an online discussion featuring Saeed Ghasemi, an Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps member. During the talk, which according to the report, was viewed over...

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