An essential part of any experience in Israel is to head to the “Shuk”, the vibrant outdoor marketplace typical of the Middle East. But if you can’t go to the Shuk, at last the Shuk can come to you! Friends of Israel, a CAMERA-supported organisation at Rockland County College held...
Israeli Ambassador to the UK comes to Cambridge
In April 2016, Mark Regev became the Israeli Ambassador to the UK. Mr Regev has been in Israel`s Foreign Ministry for twenty five years, has served as the Spokesperson for the Prime Minister, and is one of the most recognised advocates for Israel on international TV. During November, the Cambridge...
The Challenges Faced by UK University Students
Today, the National Union of Students (NUS), the body representing seven million students in the UK, has its national conference. One Jewish delegate, Izzy Lenga, has written an article “Why I won`t be at tomorrow`s NUS NEC meeting”, in which she describes the hostile environment that Jewish students are facing...
A Firsthand Account of Anti-Israel Violence at a UK University
Campus security officers barricaded the doors. The mob swarmed in on us. We were caged in a room at University College London (UCL). Crowds of scowling faces were pressed against the window, pointing, jeering, roaring hateful words — their cameras flashing all around us. It was like we were in a zoo....
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: An Open Letter to Mamdouh Shoukri
We are writing this statement to offer a student perspective on the recent events at York University, specifically the formation of the President’s Advisory Committee on Inclusion and President Mamdouh Shoukri’s subsequent statements to The CJN. Under President Shoukri’s near-decade-long tenure, the university administration has demonstrated alarming apathy in the face of...
Standing Up for TICP
Earlier this week, The Israeli Cartoon Project (TICP) posted a Buzzfeed listicle of “Ten Extremely Accurate Cartoons that Depict the Hypocrisy of BDS.” The article was posted to give readers an accurate perspective of Israel’s situation, as well as publicizing TICP’s display at YNet’s Anti-BDS Conference in Jerusalem that took place on Monday. However, the post was immediately taken...
Thank You for Condemning Anti-Semitism, UC
After numerous instances of anti-Semitism on University of California campuses, the UC Board of Regents formally adopted a statement condemning such behavior. This is the first public statement of its kind, which resulted in large part due to numerous instances of students committing acts of antisemitism on campus, often under the guise...
LUJSA’s 2015 Hanukkah Donut Give-Away
Laurentain University’s Emet for Israel supported group, LUJSA: Laurentain University Jewish Student Association held their Annual Hanukkah Donut Give-Away on Monday, December 7th, giving out over 1000 donuts and over 250 cups of coffee to the Laurentian University student body. This event always serves as a great way for new students to...