Since October 7th, I have recognized with renewed scrutiny the overwhelming bias coursing through the veins of the media. Simultaneously, antisemitism has soared to new heights with the ADL reporting over 10,000 antisemitic incidents since October 7th, 2023. With both media bias and rising antisemitism in mind, I began to question the...
חינוך לשנאה – האמת על מערכת החינוך של החמאס
שיח התקשורתי והאקדמי סביב הסכסוך הישראלי-פלסטיני, אחת ההאשמות הבולטות היא כי ישראל מבצעת “סכולסטיסייד” (Scholasticide) – הרס מכוון ומתמשך של בתי ספר, אוניברסיטאות ומוסדות חינוך בעזה על מנת לפגוע ביכולת החינוך של האוכלוסייה הפלסטינית. אך האמת הפוכה לחלוטין – האיום הגדול ביותר על מערכת החינוך בעזה אינו ישראל, אלא חמאס עצמו, שהפך...
Selective Outrage: Campus Media’s Language War on Israel
“It’s a genocide” could be the most popular phrase of 2024. These three words are widely spewed by college students worldwide when talking about, or protesting against, the current war in Israel and Gaza. The ubiquitous nature of this phrase threatens to strip the concept of genocide of its importance....
UCSD has a disregard for Jewish safety. This must change.
It is deeply concerning that a UCSD student organization, Students for Justice in Palestine, can violate legal directives issued by the university and face no concrete consequences. Following the illegal Pro-Palestine encampment established on UCSD’s Library Walk on May 1, 2024, UC San Diego administration issued a cease and desist order to...
City, St George’s Student Union failed Jewish students
As a Jewish and pro-Israel student leader at City, St George’s, I have worked tirelessly to promote education, unity, and support for our communities. Alongside my committees, we have created spaces for dialogue, connection, and solidarity, strengthening Jewish and pro-Israel students through bi-weekly events and initiatives. Our goal extends beyond...
CAMERA congratulates the State of Israel on assuming the presidency of IHRA for 2025
CAMERA on Campus warmly congratulates the State of Israel on assuming the presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) for 2025. This significant milestone underscores Israel’s unwavering commitment to Holocaust education, remembrance, and the global fight against antisemitism. Under the leadership of Dani Dayan, Chairman of Yad Vashem, Israel’s...
An emphasis on ‘Ivrit’
When Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, known as the father of modern Hebrew, worked to revive the language as a spoken one, he believed it would be a tool to rapidly foster a sense of unity among olim, Jewish immigrants to the land of Israel. His success at making it accessible for day-to-day use continues...
Academic apologism: How universities are rationalizing terror
Institutions of higher education have long been perceived as bastions of critical thinking and rigorous debate. Yet recent incidents throughout the United Kingdom suggest that some educators may be exploiting their platforms to rationalize or at least minimize acts of terror. From the distribution of Hamas propaganda to publicly endorsing or defending the violence...