On August 7 and 8, CAMERA Senior Campus Coordinator Samantha R. Mandeles and Regional Campus Coordinator Gilad Skolnick participated at the 2013 annual AEPi Israel Amplified Conference in New York City!  Part of the conference included a Partners Fair, where representatives from each co-sponsoring organization gave away materials and talked with students about Israel programming.

CAMERA's table of materials and swag at Israel Amplified 2013
CAMERA’s table of materials and swag at Israel Amplified 2013

CAMERA staff were so pleased and proud to listen to our 2012-2013 Alabama State University Fellow Rita Usher speak to the conference attendees on a panel about Israel activism.

Rita discussed getting started in the activist world and fighting back against a biased professor by writing an article with CAMERA’s help. Read Rita’s articles here וותכנית המלגות here.

Rita Usher, far right, speaks to Greek students about CAMERA and Israel
Rita Usher, far right, speaks to Greek students about CAMERA and Israel

Contributed by Samantha Mandeles

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