Playing a significant role in our daily lives, social media is of significant importance to Israel advocacy. ('הוועדה לדיוק בדיווח ובניתוח המזרח התיכון') CAMERA ארגון serves as an important source of informative and thorough articles and analyses of inaccurate reporting on the Middle East.

As a college-focused organization, CAMERA on Campus also promotes Israel through social media. Our Facebook page provides critical information and groundbreaking articles about Israel or Israel advocacy. CAMERA on Campus is on Twitter וותכנית המלגות Instagram as well.

Recently, CAMERA on Campus joined the Snapchat. At CAMERA’s annual Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference, CAMERA on Campus snapped some great – and hilarious – moments of students as they built up their Israel activism skills. While snaps disappear after 24 hours, the effects of the lessons and skills on the students will be long lasting.


Addressing rising anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism on campuses is no simple feat. Israel activists need to strengthen their core understanding of Israel’s history and the Jewish people’s right to their land, and also need to stay updated with current events in Israel. We encourage students to advocate for Israel on social media. Lectures and events on Israel have profound effects on students, but a post on social media can be read by someone who had no prior interest in Israel and can be the beginning of their own Israel activism.

CAMERA on Campus continues to work tirelessly to defend Israel and advocate for her. Luckily for any aspiring Israel advocate, following CAMERA on Campus’s lead and joining in on Israel advocacy is now just a snap away.

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