The תכנית העמיתים של CAMERA supports student leaders in developing and strengthening their pro-Israel activism on campus. With the school year underway, InFocus is giving you an inside look into the lives of the 2016-17 CAMERA Fellows who are working hard to promote the facts about Israel on campus.

Meet LeeEl Hayun.

leeel-hauneWhile students are combating anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism throughout campuses across the world, students in Israel, Lee-El Hayun among others, are working hard to promote Israel from within Israeli campuses as well.

Now a sophomore at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Lee-El studies International Relations and Political Science.

Eight years ago, Lee-El made ‘aliyah,’ moving with her family to Northern Israel. Following high school, she attended an army-preparatory, educational year-long program, Mechina “Tzahali.” After the Mechina program, she drafted into the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. Throughout her service, Lee-El was responsible for coordinating visits and briefings for high-level government officials for the IDF.

After completing her service, Lee-El began studying at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In addition to her studies, Lee-El works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emergency and Crisis Management Center. She is also a Masa Ambassador, speaks to a large number of Taglit groups, and is a Fighting BDS Online Fellow.

This past school year, Lee-El co-founded CAMERA at Hebrew University and is responsible for the external relations of the group. CAMERA on Campus welcomes Lee-El to the CAMERA Fellowship and is excited to see her progress as an Israel activist and CAMERA Fellow this academic year on her campus!

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