The תכנית העמיתים של CAMERA program supports student leaders in developing and strengthening their pro-Israel activism on campus. With the school year underway, InFocus is giving you an inside look into the lives of the 2016-17 CAMERA Fellows, who are working hard to promote the facts about Israel on campus.

CAMERA Fellow Joshua Kauderer
CAMERA Fellow Joshua Kauderer

Meet Joshua Kauderer.

Currently a Sophomore at Dartmouth College, Joshua is studying History and Government.

As a child, Joshua attended Jewish day school at The Solomon Schechter Day School of Bergen County. There, his passion for Israel began to bloom.

Throughout high school, Josh participated in Write On For Israel, a program that educates high-school students about Israel and effective speaking and advocacy skills. After completing Write On For Israel, Joshua felt like a capable Israel advocate, but understood that advocating for Israel is not a simple task; there is always more to learn about Israel advocacy. Independently, he researched media bias against Israel and studied the correlation between anti-Israel views and anti-Semitism. Just as he did in high school, Joshua tries his best to stay informed about Israel and understand the pro-Israel, anti-Israel dialogue on a higher academic level.

Now at Dartmouth, Joshua serves as an editor of The Dartmouth Review. He participates in the Dartmouth Students for Israel organization and is a founding member of the TAMID campus chapter at Dartmouth, a student program which collaborates with Israeli startup companies.

Joshua looks forward to developing his Israel Advocacy skills this academic year as a CAMERA Fellow. With the support of the CAMERA Fellowship, Joshua is confident he can make a big impact on campus and raise awareness about Israel among the Dartmouth student body. CAMERA on Campus is excited to see the progress Joshua will make!

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