The תכנית העמיתים של CAMERA program supports student leaders in developing and strengthening their pro-Israel activism on campus. With the school year underway, InFocus is giving you an inside look into the lives of our 2016-17 CAMERA Fellows, who are working hard to promote the facts about Israel on campus.

Meet Hannah Pomerantz.

pomerantzhannahpicA sophomore student at
Case Western Reserve University, Hannah Pomerantz is studying History and Political Science. Since her first visit to Israel in 2012, she has felt a profound connection with the state, which sparked her interest in advocacy.

Hannah has been an active member of pro-Israel groups Israel’s CWRU and Cleveland Hillel, the campus Jewish cultural center. Through these student groups, Hannah advocated for Israel this past school year on her campus.

As a CAMERA Fellow, she will continue to promote Israel and hopes to deepen the student body’s understanding of Israel. “I understand the importance and challenge of promoting both a positive and accurate image of Israel in the news and with my campus community. I am very excited about working with CAMERA to teach students about all that Israel has to offer,” says Hannah.

Hannah hopes to develop her leadership skills as a CAMERA Fellow and aspire to one day hold a position in a public office which will allow her to strengthen the relationship between Israel and the United States. She is proud to be advocate for Israel as a CAMERA Fellow and looks forward to being a voice for Israel this coming year on her campus.

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