The תכנית העמיתים של CAMERA supports student leaders in developing and strengthening their pro-Israel activism on campus. With the school year underway, InFocus is giving you an inside look into the lives of the 2016-17 CAMERA Fellows, who are working hard to promote the facts about Israel on campus.

Meet Eden Adler.

CAMERA Fellow Eden Adler

While students are combating anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism on campuses across the world, students in Israel like Eden Adler are working hard to promote Israel from within Israeli campuses as well.

A second year student at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Eden is studying Political Science and International Relations.  He was born in Israel and grew up in the community of Kfar Roses. Like most Israelis, Eden drafted into the Israel Defense Forces at age 18 and was accepted into the 101st Paratroopers Brigade. Following rigorous combat training, Eden went onto become an officer. By the age of 20, Eden commanded and trained over 40 soldiers. In the summer of 2014, he led his soldiers into Gaza during Operation Protective Edge.

Eden Adler has been featured in two Jerusalem U films, Beneath the Helmet וותכנית המלגות Mekonen, which present the intimate stories of a few IDF soldiers. As the films portray, Eden Adler experienced a challenging, emotionally-charged, yet extremely meaningful military service.

Upon completing his military service, Eden continued to defend and promote Israel. Following his service, he began to work for Israel’s public relations and speak on behalf of Israel in the United States, Canada, and Geneva. During the past school year, Eden served as president of the newly founded CAMERA at Hebrew University HUJI.

Eden is excited to be a CAMERA Fellow this coming year. He enjoyed attending the 2016 CAMERA Student Leadership and Advocacy Training Conference in Boston this past summer and now feels more prepared to advocate for Israel at Hebrew University. The conference provided him with a unique opportunity to talk to students from across the world and learn about Israel advocacy in the context of American campuses. Eden returns this year to Hebrew University with a lot of new ideas for CAMERA at HUJI, and is prepared to help American and British students combat anti-Israel activity in any way he can. CAMERA on Campus welcomes Eden to the CAMERA community and is excited to see how he develops as a CAMERA Fellow and Israel activist.

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