The .CAMERA של supports student leaders in developing and strengthening their pro-Israel activism on campus. With the school year about the begin, we are introducing our 2016-17 Fellows, who will be working hard to promote the facts about Israel on campus.

Meet Dalya Panbehchi.

Panbehchi Dalya fellowA freshman at Binghamton University, Dalya Panbechi is a first generation Iranian-American from Atlanta, Georgia. Growing up in a Zionist community and surrounded by Middle Eastern culture in her household, Dalya learnt about Israel and its importance from a young age. However, Israel remained a distant concept for her until this past year when she went to Israel for the first time to study and travel through a gap year program, Midreshet Moriah. Living in Israel for a year allowed Dalya to fully appreciate and truly connect with the land of the Jewish people.

Dalya is fluent in Farsi and remains very connected with her Iranian roots as well as her American identity. With such a rich heritage, Dalya has the unique opportunity to represent Middle Eastern Jewry as she promotes Israel on her campus. Privileged to be a CAMERA Fellow at Binghamton, Dalya feels ready to take on the challenge of defending and promoting Israel to the best of her ability this coming year. CAMERA on Campus is delighted for Dalya to be a CAMERA Fellow and is excited to see her Israel activism develop!

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