The תכנית העמיתים של CAMERA program supports student leaders in developing and strengthening their pro-Israel activism on campus. With the school year underway, InFocus is giving you an inside look into the lives of the 2016-17 CAMERA Fellows who are working hard to promote the facts on Israel on campus.

professional-photosMeet Ariel Avgi.

A sophomore at The City College of New York, Ariel is studying International Relations and Applied Mathematics. She attends the The Macaulay Honors College at The City College of New York.

Growing up in Queens and Long Island, New York, Ariel was raised with a love for Israel and a strong connection to her family’s Israeli roots. Over the years, she has visited Israel on multiple occasions. Ariel’s devotion to Israel and Israel advocacy work is mainly inspired by a sense of moral obligation to help Israel and a desire to express her love for Israel from afar. Since she always enjoys returning to Israel and considers the country her second home, Ariel promotes Israel on campus and tries to spread knowledge about the wonderful, developing democracy of the Middle East as much as she can.

On campus, Ariel serves as an active member of City College’s chapter of the Roosevelt Institute. This past year, she wrote and published a policy proposal in its 10 Ideas Journal for Defense and Diplomacy.  Ariel is also a co-founder of the Students Supporting Israel chapter on her campus.

As a CAMERA Fellow, Ariel plans to further develop pro-Israel advocacy and to grow as a student leader and influential voice for Israel. With the support of the CAMERA Fellowship, Ariel now feels fully capable of educating fellow students and faculty on Israeli history and culture. CAMERA on Campus is excited to support Ariel in her endeavors!

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