The תכנית העמיתים של CAMERA supports student leaders develop and strengthen their pro-Israel activism on campus. With the school year about the begin, we are introducing our 2016-17 Fellows, who will be working hard to promote the facts about Israel on campus.

Meet Albert Barkan.

Barkan Albert fellowA rising senior at Boston College, Albert Barkan is studying Economics and History. Albert’s family originates from the Soviet Union. Growing up with his family’s stories about the struggle to be Jewish in the Soviet Union, Albert has strong Jewish roots and appreciates his freedom to be openly Jewish in America.

Since entering college, Albert has been an active member of Eagles for Israel. Albert is very proud to to show his support for Israel on campus and is very excited to serve as Eagles for Israel’s president this coming year.

Hoping to further promote Israel and strengthen the leadership of Israel advocates at Boston College, Albert is very thrilled to serve as a CAMERA Fellow as well during his senior year. As Albert explains, “Being a CAMERA fellow really feels like a culmination of my career as an Israel activist on-campus. It is an extreme honor, and it reflects the long way that my club, Eagles for Israel, has come in being a presence at Boston College.”

CAMERA on Campus is very excited to support Albert in his work as an advocate and as a leader on his campus. With the support of the CAMERA Fellowship, Albert is confident he can push himself to the limit this coming school year, promoting Israel among the student body as well as serving as an example for fellow Israel activists who will lead the BC Israel advocacy work once Albert graduates.

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