3 minute read

Press Release: CAMERA Prepares Students For The Fierce Battle Against Misinformation

BOSTON, August 4th, 2022 – For the first time in two years, students from universities across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Israel gathered in Boston, Massachusetts, for CAMERA’s 12th Annual International Student Leadership Conference (ISLC). An intensive four-day conference packed with trainings, exclusive briefings, and team-building exercises,...

3 minute read

The monstrous origins and effects of ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’

Every year in the diaspora anti-Israel activists on university campuses globally unite to host ‘Israeli Apartheid Week’. Concerningly, as opposed to promoting any productive (let alone constructive) solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, it instead fosters an unpragmatic approach, cultivating a hostile environment for many Jewish and Israeli students. Exacerbating the...

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