2 minute read

Cougars Go to Israel

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Leeron Ofer: This past week, the College of Charleston, Kent State University, Cleveland State, Case Western and Skidmore joined together for a Taglit-Birthright trip in Israel. A few weeks before the trip I spoke to a few of the students going from the College of Charleston...

< 1 minute read

Falsely Reported Boycotts

Today, Agence France-Presse falsely reported that rock star Lenny Kravitz had canceled a planned visit to Israel in support of the anti-Israel boycott movement. As CAMERA’s Tamar Sternthal writes: “In a second questionable claim, AFP also reports ‘Other [boycott] ‘successes’ include Adidas dropping its sponsorship of the Jerusalem marathon in March after pressure from the...

2 minute read

Pride 2013

Contributed by CAMERA Intern Rachel Wolf: On Sunday Tel Aviv started it’s renowned Gay Pride Week. There have been several events this week celebrating gay culture including restaurant and club events. There has even been a music video put out to celebrate this week. The video “features a song written by Doron...

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