4 minute read

Jelen’s Big Slip

This letter is in a response to an op-ed published in the Uruguayan newspaper La Diaria: “¨Grilled Palestinians”. Ilan’s piece was originally published in Uruguay monthly Identidady and at Comité Central Israelita del Uruguay (Israelite Central Committee of Uruguay) on November 4, 2013. “Grilled Palestinians” is not a dish to be served...

< 1 minute read

University of Pittsburgh Event

Discussing endangered Minorities in the Arab Spring at the University of Pittsburgh on October 29.  How has the Arab Spring effected minorities throughout the Middle East? A research fellow at the New America Foundation came to the University of Pittsburgh to discuss how minorities living throughout the Middle East have been...

3 minute read

CSUN Stands Back as Professor Klein Uses University Resources to Promote Israel Boycott

California State University Northridge fails to remove Professor Klein’s webpage, posted on the university server, that promotes the boycott of Israel. California State University Northridge (CSUN) Professor David Klein has found a convenient outlet for expressing his sentiments with regard to Israel: the University’s web server. Professor of Mathematics, Klein...

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