2 minute read


This piece has been republished in The Algemeiner. Just two months ago, Nigerian girls were kidnapped by Muslim extremists in Nigeria. Just last week, three Israeli boys were kidnapped by Muslim extremists in Israel. The world responded with tremendous support for the girls in Nigeria, especially on social media, with...

< 1 minute read

Drexel Brings Jared Ben-Caro

CAMERA Fellow Josh Dienstman and Dragons for Israel (A CCAP/CAMERA supported group) recently organized an event at Drexel University, where Sgt. (Res.) Jared M. Ben-Caro, a former IDF paratrooper, discussed his experience as a combat soldier during Operation Cast Lead. In this operation, the IDF entered the Gaza Strip to dismantle...

1 minute read

CAMERA Greets Overwhelming Crowd in Jerusalem

In early June, in the beautiful capital city of Israel, Jerusalem, CAMERA’s Senior Researcher, Ricki Hollander, gave an incredible briefing on The New York Times and its deceptive reporting. The turnout and excitement of the crowd completely exceeded expectations. The room, fitting about 95, held 90 before the Begin Center staff literally shut the doors...

2 minute read

My Issue with J-Street

This piece was published originally in the Times of Israel and written by CAMERA Israel trip participant, Naor Amir, on May 1st, 2014. Naor is a strong Israel activist at the University of Florida and is the founder of the pro-Israel group Zionist Gators.  A growing divide is emerging within the...

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