3 minute read

Is Abbas Really a “Moderate”?

Various governments, news sources, and even some Israeli politicians refer to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas as a “moderate.” He and his political party, Fatah, market themselves as a “peaceful” alternative to the “extremist” Jew-hating terrorist group Hamas. In light of Hamas openly spewing genocidal incitement while simultaneously fighting a...

< 1 minute read

Israel, More Than Just Politics

On Tuesday, May 6th, the CCAP group at Chico State University, Emet, held an event with professor Michael Leitner. It boasted 150 students and the University president, and was dedicated to a Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration. Through a brief discussion on Israeli Life and Leisure in the 21st Century, followed by Israeli...

3 minute read

On the Dangers of Trending

Since the start, Operative Protective Edge captured the media by storm. It permeates the headlines of every major newspaper and of every major news source in the world. It is expected because the Arab-Israeli conflict captivates the world’s interest, specifically when the Palestinian-Arabs get involved. The media continues to distort...

2 minute read

Knotted Narratives

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is not pro-Palestine, they are anti-Israel. This may seem like the same thing (pro-Palestine and anti-Israel), but they are not. SJP seems to only rally around Palestinians who are being killed by Israelis. They don’t talk about the abuse of Palestinians in other countries,...

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