4 minute read

The Invisible Casualty of War

Horror, fear, panic, anxiety. All of these go hand in hand with war, as Israelis and Palestinians have come to know time and time again. With each new conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, the television screens become inundated with stories detailing the horrific violence highlighted by footage of sirens blaring...

4 minute read


Budrus is a documentary that was released in 2009. The film focuses on the anti-Security Fence movement growing in the village of Budrus, located in the West Bank. The anti-Security Fence movement is a series of protests which often start as nonviolent demonstrations but often end with throwing rocks. These...

< 1 minute read

World Renowned Middle East Scholar Discusses an Under Discussed Perspective

On April 24th, 2014, Cornell University’s pro-Israel group, CIPAC, and CAMERA Fellow Benjamin Horowitz presented Jonathan Schanzer, a world renowned Middle East History scholar to an intimate audience consisting of CIPAC members, community members, and interns from the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. In specific, Mr. Schanzer discussed his new...

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