On Sunday, September 7, our CCAP group at SUNY Albany, Great Danes for Israel, attended the school’s annual campus organization fair, the Student Association Block Party. At the fair, our students handed out CAMERA goodies, and got 70 new students to sign up for more information! Check out the fantastic photos...
CAMERA Fellow at U Illlinois Pens Letter re Professor’s Nasty Tweets
CAMERA Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Elana Zelden, has only been on campus for a month, but she is already taking action and making changes. When professor Steven Salaita used the kidnapping and murder of Israeli teenagers Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali as an excuse to advocate for...
Erev Yom Kippur- the Day of Atonement
One of the most important holidays on the Jewish calendar, Yom Kippur– the Day of Atonement– is a day for reflection, prayer, and self-examination. On Yom Kippur, Jews around the world admit and repent for their wrongs, and ask humbly for forgiveness from one another. May we all find the...
CAMERA Helps Successful Planning Kickoff at the University of Michigan
On September 3, CAMERA’s Fellow at the University of Michigan, Lindsay Hurwitz, helped to host a kickoff meeting of pro-Israel organizations on campus. The meeting included student representatives from CAMERA, AMI, ILEAD, StandWithUs, WolvPac (AIPAC), Hillel, and Tamid, all coming together to plan united pro-Israel efforts on campus for the coming...
VALDARY: This is Our Year
This piece was contributed by the founder and president of CCAP group Allies of Israel at the University of New Orleans, Chloe Simone Valdary. This Is Our Year As soon as I came out of my European History class last Thursday morning, I saw the grass in the distance littered...
Georgetown Professor Joins Israel Boycott, Tweets CounterPunch, and Condemns Israel’s so-called “Massive Slaughter of Civilians.”
Notoriously anti-Israel (and, dare we say, anti-Semitic?) Georgetown University professor John Esposito has struck again. According to the Investigative Project on Terrorism, Esposito has become one of six Middle Eastern Studies directors at American universities to publicly embrace a total academic boycott of Israel: Georgetown University Professor John Esposito is...
CAMERA’s Published Letter to Ohio University Paper On Anti-Israel “Blood Bucket Challenge”
Last week, CAMERA’s scathing Letter-to-the-Editor regarding Ohio University student senator Megan Marzec’s “Blood Bucket Challenge” publicity stunt was published in the student paper, The Post! Marzec’s Declarations to Support Palestine Full of Contradictions By Eric Rozenman, a 1969 graduate of Ohio University and a former staffer at The Post. He is the...
L’Shana Tova u’Metuka!
This evening, Jews around the world celebrate the beginning of the Jewish new year, Rosh HaShana! As Rosh HaShana 5775 approaches, may our commitment to truth, and to one another, be stronger and more powerful than ever, and may we thus be able to sweeten our world and the lives of...