5 minute read

Francesca Albanese And The UN’s Anti-Israel Bias

On 26 April, Israel’s Independence Day, the Jewish Network for Palestine (JNP), a fringe organisation, held a Zoom lecture with Italian UN Special Rapporteur to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese. Other speakers in attendance were Israeli Professor of History at Exeter University, Ilan Pappe and SOAS Professor Nur Masalha. The JNP is linked to the anti-zionist Jewish...

4 minute read

The rise of anti-Zionist Jews

There is a troubling trend among young American Jews: more and more are turning their backs to the State of Israel and actively participating in anti-Zionist campaigns. A 2020 study by Pew Research Center, revealed that U.S. Jews under the age of 30 are less emotionally attached to Israel than...

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