4 minute read

Appeasing Iran

 Problematic Western Attitudes Toward a Dangerous Regime In a recent visit to Italy, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani told a group of Italian business leaders that Iran is the “safest and most stable country of the entire region.” Why, then, are leading global players tiptoeing around the regime? In the past...

3 minute read

Incitement Leads to Violence

On September 30th 2015, Mahmoud Abbas, President of the PLO, opened his speech to the United Nations General Assembly by ‘raising the alarm’ to the world and giving his version of the facts on the ground regarding the most disputed piece of real estate on Earth. He opened with his position on...

3 minute read

Israeli Diversity on El Al

For many, the first visit to Israel is a memorable one, filled with all the new sights, sounds, and smells accompanied with an encounter with an exotic Middle Eastern environment. Coming from the United States or elsewhere, the trip to Israel ordinarily comprises a transatlantic flight which many choose to...

2 minute read

Druze Delegation at NYU

On November 2nd, 2015,  New York University’s Emet for Israel supported group, Realize Israel,  hosted a delegation of Druze leaders from Israel. The Israeli Druze Alliance brought a group of IDF soldiers of Druze descent and other leaders in the community to NYU in order to speak with students about what it’s like...

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