2 minute read

CAMERA on Campus on the Apathetic Response from UMass Chancellor on Concerns from the Jewish Community

Editor’s note: For context, we recommend you read both the letter submitted by concerned students at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst to Chancellor Javier Reyes on the morning of November 10th, 2023, and Chancellor Reyes’ Response delivered a few hours later, which can be found here. CAMERA on Campus expresses...

2 minute read

CAMERA on Campus Applauds the Efforts of Emory President Fenves To Combat Campus Antisemitism

On October 25th, 2023, the President of Emory University, Gregory L. Fenves, condemned the virulently antisemitic chants yelled during a protest organized by the Students for Justice in Palestine chapter at Emory University. We applaud President Fenve’s efforts in promptly identifying and condemning antisemitism. We believe this is a necessary...

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