Anti-Zionist organizations, which supposedly advocate for human rights, incite hatred against Jews around the world with horrific results.This is especially widespread on Twitter, where the spread of lies is uniquely prevalent. 

On November 18th of 2021, Students for Justice in Palestine at the University of Illinois at Chicago (SJP UIC) shared a tweet from the US Palestinian Community Network praising incarcerated Palestinian terrorists who went on hunger strike because of “incarceration conditions in Israel.” In this tweet, as in many previous ones, it shows how such organizations set themselves the goal of encouraging hatred and defiance against the State of Israel under the guise of helping the Palestinian population.

Along with this, on September 21, SJP UIC tweeted photos of pro-Palestinian activists supporting convicted murderers who escaped from prison on September 6th of last year. I have not come across any explanation as to why they justify the act, they only seek to encourage people to join their struggle against the Jewish state.

SJP UIC clearly shows its support for terrorists by promoting them as heroes, as they are paid by the PA while in prison for the horrific attacks they carried out against a civilian population.

The incitement against Israel does not end here. The Palestine legal organization tweeted in support of the six “civilian” organizations that have been outlawed in the State of Israel due to their affiliation with terrorist organizations, which was also retweeted by the SJP branch at Columbia University in New York. 

For example, while Addameer works to formally represent Palestinian prisoners in Israel, it refuses to prove that the identities of the people it protects are guility of commiting terror attacks, while Al-Haq participated in the Durban Conference. This is the UN conference that first took place in South Africa in 2001, which allegedly came out against racism, but in practice worked to delegitimize Israel. Defense for Children International (DCI-P) and the Agricultural Activity Commission (UAWC) are also accused of having connections with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), an internationally recognized terrorist organization.

SJP וותכנית המלגות BDS are distinctly anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic movements that operate around the world in a wide variety of ways — they demand boycotts of Israeli companies and the State of Israel. The purpose of these anti-Zionist organizations is to create an international boycott against Israel that will lead to its collapse as a Jewish State. They encourage acts of violence against Israel’s government and its citizens in the guise of resisting apartheid.

One of the many activities in which these organizations takes part in is “Apartheid Week“, where it encourages hatred towards Jews and against Israel with false allegations of apartheid. They ignore the fact that according to Israeli law, all Jewish and Arab citizens receive equal political and social rights, and just recently, a Muslim Arab was appointed to the Supreme Court.

Clearly, these supposed human rights organizations have links to terrorist organizations and promote hatred against Jews around the world. Additionally, all actions against Israel have also harmed Palestinians. For example, when BDS pressurred a Sodastream factory to change locations, hundreds of Palestinians lost their jobs.

I look forward to the day when anti-Zionist organizations will begin to sober up and examine their political position in a different light without erroneous bias and stop acting out of pure hatred of Israel.


Written by CAMERA fellow at Afeka college, 2021-2022, Liran Koluok. Translated by Mor Yerushalmi.

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