The National Union of Students (NUS) in the UK has a documented history of antisemitic incidents. Following an independent investigation by Rebecca Tuck KC that began in May 2022, the NUS announced on 12 January 2023 that it will take measures to address antisemitism in an action plan.

On 26th January, 2023 CAMERA UK and CAMERA on Campus UK with support from numerous partners and community members published an open letter calling for the NUS to consider additional measures that are imperative to addressing the problem of antisemitism within the organisation.

To our friends and partner orgs: Please consider becoming a signatory to show your support for Jewish and pro-Israel students across the United Kingdom. A form is included below the letter.

To the NUS: Please consider the additional measures presented in our open letter.

Having trouble viewing the open letter above? Follow this link to download a PDF copy.

Become a Signatory. Support Jewish and pro-Israel students in the UK!

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