The following is a letter by our CCAP group at Haverford and Bryn Mawr which was distributed prior to the event in an effort to raise awareness of the extremist and anti-Semitic speaker who was coming to campus. The event with the radical anti-Israel writer Ali Abunimah attracted about 50 people.

We, writing on behalf of numerous students at Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges, condemn the blatant and vitriolic bigotry, intolerance, and anti-Semitism of Ali Abunimah in the highest terms. Mr. Abunimah is not only extremely anti-Israeli, he is clearly anti-Semitic:
Abunimah has compared Israel to Nazi Germany numerous times, something that the United States Department of State, in its “Report on Global Anti-Semitism,” declared anti-Semitic in no uncertain terms. He has stated “Supporting Zionism is not atonement for the Holocaust, but its continuation in spirit,”[1] and has referred to the Israeli press as “Der Sturmer.”[2] He has even gone so far as to compare Israel’s internal security service, the Shin Bet, to “Death Squads.”[3] This false and painful accusation has absolutely no basis in historical reality, and instead only seeks to hurt Jews by comparing them to their most horrific oppressors.
Abunimah has publicly tweeted for a Third Intifada, saying, “Isn’t it the time for a popular Palestinian revolution in the form of a third intifada?”[4], and then linked an essay that called for a third violent intifada. In the Second Intifada, over 800 Israeli civilians were killed, while over 5,000 were seriously injured in terrorist attacks specifically targeting noncombatant and civilian locales, such as cafes, movie theaters, restaurants, and in one of the most deadly attacks, a Passover Seder. As students at Haverford, we cannot feel safe when a speaker on campus advocates such senseless violence.
Abunimah has admitted that in his “One State Solution,” “we couldn’t rule out some disastrous situation [for the Jews].”[5] It is obvious that he cares little for the lives of Jews or for the sanctity of human life in general. The Hamas Charter calls for the mass murder of Jews, yet Abunimah calls the victory of Hamas a “vote for clarity.”[6] In fact, every Palestinian leader from Mahmoud Abbas to Ismael Haniyeh has repeatedly promised that a future Palestinian state would be completely Jew free. His plan is not only impossible; it is dangerous and potentially disastrous.
Abunimah has declared that Palestinians have the right to self determination, yet in the same article denied that right to Jews who do not submit to Palestinian rule.[7] He denies Jews a fundamental right of all people, one that he himself holds sacrosanct. This double-standard is morally reprehensible and logically unsound.
Abunimah has publicly defended Hamas’ abduction of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, and maintained that during his captivity, Shalit should not have had contact with the Red Cross or any other international organization, in blatant defiance of international law.
Abunimah has branded Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas and President Salam Fayyad, as well as any Palestinian who engages in peace talks as “collaborators[8],” knowing full well that the penalty for “collaboration” in both Hamas and Fatah ruled Palestine is death. He calls for the alienation of those who engage in peace talks, in opposition to everything we stand for as an institution.
What can the Haverford Community possibly hope to learn from a man who has condemned those who engage in meaningful dialogue?
We ask you to consider whether or not it is appropriate for Haverford to welcome this man to our campus.
Questions? Email
[1] October 25, 2010,
[2] October 19, 2010
[3] September 21, 2010,
[4] January 20, 2010,
[5] “Q and A with Alu Abuminah: BDS Conference (4:43)”
[6] “Hamas Election Victory: A Vote for Clarity”, January 26, 2006
[7] “Reclaiming Self-Determination,” May 21, 2010
[8] “Why Israel won’t Survive,” January 19, 2009,