When pro-Israel students are bombarded with criticism, baseless hatred, and negativity, they must respond and defend themselves. But it is also important for these amazing students to keep up a positive attitude and give themselves a pat on the back for fighting for the truth.

And that is exactly what UCL(University College London) Friends of Israel have been doing. Between the BDS movement, anti-Semitic leaders on campus וותכנית המלגות intolerant protesters, the pro-Israel students were in “constant self-defense mode” during the school year. CAMERA on Campus highly commends and supports the pro-Israel students’ commitment to integrity and the pursuit of honest reporting on their campus.

UCL Friends of Israel held a Mikes’s Place themed night. Source: UCL Friends of Israel Facebook page.
UCL Friends of Israel held a Mikes’s Place themed night. Source: UCL Friends of Israel Facebook page.

These pro-Israel students realized they needed to encourage themselves before the end of this discouraging academic year. They decided to make a Mike’s Place – a popular bar in Israel – themed night—a night which would be a “pure celebration of Israel,” an event that would remind them why they defend Israel in the first place.

As one student recounted, the night was quite a success and an inspiration: “Energetically waving the Israeli flag, with pure joy, we belted out songs—from Eyal Golan to Yaakov Shweky—devoured Israeli style food and drank l’chaims with the wine that the UCL union is trying to boycott!”

A night at the bar can sure be reinvigorating after a hard week. Dubbed by students as the “best party of the year,” this night-out re-energized students after a hard year. Students celebrated their pride for Israel and are taking it with them into the coming academic year. The pro-Israel students of UCL plan to continue to motivate and reach out to those students open to learning the truth about Israel and her people.

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