Boston, MA – On the morning of October 7th, 2023, the indomitable spirit of the Israeli people faced a severe test as they awoke to a relentless assault orchestrated by the Palestinian terror group, Hamas. This brazen act of aggression resulted in the loss of over 1,400 lives and left thousands injured, all on the Sabbath, the cherished Jewish day of rest.

The attacks launched by Hamas were nothing short of a barbaric war crime on Israeli towns and villages. Armed Hamas terrorists, driven by a malevolent agenda, targeted men, women, and children, leaving behind a trail of heartbreak and sorrow. Hostages, including small children, were taken; and the cities of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ashkelon, Sderot, and Beer Sheva endured a relentless barrage of over three thousand rockets fired into homes and densely populated urban areas.

In the face of such adversity, CAMERA on Campus unequivocally condemns the heinous and evil actions of Hamas, who persistently reaffirm their malevolent intent: the death, destruction, and endangerment of the Jewish people. There can be no justification for Palestinian war crimes, nor for those who attempt to whitewash or rationalize such atrocities.

In these trying times, our thoughts and unwavering support extend to the people of Israel and to those abroad who are deeply concerned for their loved ones.

And to our students in Israel, as well as to our friends and allies of CAMERA on Campus, we stand with you and we support the Israel Defense Forces as they shoulder the weighty responsibility of ensuring the well-being of the Jewish people.

Our fervent hope is that they shall achieve victory swiftly, with utmost care to minimize loss of life and injury.

In remembrance of those who have tragically lost their lives, we solemnly call for their memory to be a blessing. Their sacrifice shall not be in vain, for as Churchill said, “victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be.”


The CAMERA on Campus Team

Media Contact

דאגלס סנדובל
Managing Director, CAMERA on Campus

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