4 minute read

Confessions of a College Zionist

A few weeks ago while tabling for an event with my pro-Israel group Mustangs United for Israel on campus, we were approached by a student who stopped and asked, “So, if you are pro-Israel then that means you’re anti-Palestinian?” It was an easy question to answer. In fact, it only...

3 minute read

The Dangers of Divestment

Less than one year after USG voted down OSU Divest’s attempt to divest from Israel, the group has yet again pushed the issue onto the ballot. They claim the sole purpose of this bill is to fight for social justice, and to create financial neutrality by preventing OSU from using...

3 minute read

Palestinians are Hurt by BDS

“All the people who wanted to close SodaStream’s West Bank factory are mistaken… They didn’t take into consideration the families,” Ali Jafar, a Palestinian SodaStream employee stated back in 2015. He had been working at the Israeli company’s West Bank factory which produced home carbonation drink machines for two years before it...

6 minute read

PBS Hosts Extremist Miko Peled on Talk Show

On February 2, PBS’s Tavis Smiley hosted Miko Peled on his talk show. Peled is a radical anti-Israel activist who has, in the past, falsely described Israel as an apartheid state, referred to Israeli airport security officers as the “Smiling Gestapo,” and defended terrorists. On Smiley’s program, Peled: called Jewish history...

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