2 minute read

Jerusalem Post Editor Talks Israeli Politics, Relations With U.S.

Lahav Harkov speaks at Emory University at CAMERA-sponsored event Lahav Harkov, senior contributing editor of The Jerusalem Post, discussed Israeli politics, the United States-Israel relationship and the Israeli governance structure to the Emory-Israel Public Affairs Committee (EIPAC) on Nov. 7. About 20 students attended the event in Candler Library. When...

3 minute read

Wake Up: SJP Peddles Hate, Not Justice

SJP is a nefarious hate group, not a justice group Students for Justice in Palestine is preparing for its annual national conference on the UCLA campus Nov. 16-18. The event page for “Resistance in the Face of Adversity” states at the outset that “Zionism is perverse in all aspects of...

4 minute read

SJP Misleads Minority Groups to Oppose Israel

SJP appropriates minority struggles to further its anti-Israel agenda Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) speaks highly of its efforts to “highlight intersectional themes and struggles,” and attract “diverse and unified student activist populations” across campuses nationwide. When it comes to student recruitment, SJP chapters across the country openly appeal...

4 minute read

A Dangerous SJP Conference Comes to UCLA

Editor’s Note: Sign this petition to demand that UCLA adhere to its commitment to “mutual respect, equality and inclusion.” National SJP Conference–a meeting to antagonize Jews on campus There is little denying that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are on the rise, and a 2016 study by Brandeis University has a theory...

5 minute read

BDS is a Denial of My Existence

Decrying Jewish self-determination is antisemitic The Boycott, Divest, and Sanction movement completely undermines the dialogue and conversation necessary to even begin to unpack the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because at its basic level, it as an antisemitic attack. BDS and National Students for Justice in Palestine, its loudest proponents, do not support...

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