This piece was originally published in the March 12th 2014 edition of The Gavel. It was written by Michael Woodbury, a member of the CCAP (CAMERA supported) group Eagles for Israel. Author’s note: I too spent the first weekend of spring break in Washington DC for the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee...
A Manipulative Campaign
This piece was originally published on March, 11th 2014 in The Link by CAMERA Fellow Michelle Soicher. This week, Israeli Apartheid Week events will be mounted all across the city with participation from McGill University, the Université de Montreal, and Concordia. Concordia has a long and troublesome history with Israeli affairs. In...
Providing Dreams in an Age of Electronic Journalism
This piece is by Beata Samel. Beata is the CCAP Liaison for the Israel Club (The New York State Israel Public Affairs Committee) at Brooklyn College. This piece was originally published in The Excelsior. Ali Abunimah views his creation—the Electronic Intifada, a non-mainstream news website established in 2001, aimed at providing a...
An Oasis of Diversity in the Middle East
The following piece was written by Ariella Charny, an alumna of Tufts, former CAMERA Fellow, and current consultant for CAMERA. This piece was originally published in The Tufts Daily on Wednesday, March 12th: My pharmacist is an Arab. My taxi driver is Uzbeki. I live with a Russian woman. The girl in...
SJP Suspended at Northeastern University
On March 7, Northeastern University’s Center for Student Involvement (CSI) announced that the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter is suspended at least until 2015. According to Max Blumenthal in Mondoweiss, Jason Campbell-Foster (the director of the CSI) wrote in a letter to SJP that they “have not shown...
Israeli Soldier Advocates for Palestinian Compromise
CAMERA’s Fellow at SUNY Binghamton, Justin Hayet, organized a highly successful event at which CAMERA’s Yishai Goldflam spoke on his campus. Read the piece in the BU Pipe Dream or below. No topic was off-limits when an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldier visited Binghamton University Monday evening to share the...
Director of Sderot Media Center visits UMass
This piece was originally published on the front page of the Massachusetts Daily Collegian. This event took place at UMass-Amherst, and was organized by CAMERA Fellow Brett Hausler. Noam Bedein, Director of the Sderot Media Center (SMC), presented a lecture at the Isenberg School of Management on Tuesday about the...
Eagles for Israel CAMERA Event at Boston College
On Thursday February 27th, Boston College‘s Eagles for Israel invited Dexter Van Zile, CAMERA’s Christian Media Analyst, to speak about Christian discrimination in the Middle East. Dexter spoke about the current attacks against Christian communities in countries such as Iraq, Syria, and Egypt that has caused over a million Christian...