3 minute read

OP-ED: BU Hillel community is all-inclusive

My latest YouTube obsession is something called “Bad Lip Reading.” In “Bad Lip Reading,” new dialogue is dubbed over scenes from movies like “The Avengers” and “Twilight.” Instead of Kristen Stewart telling Robert Pattinson she’s freaked out that he’s a vampire or Mark Ruffalo complaining about the daily life of a radioactive...

2 minute read

Gilad Skolnick Goes to George Mason

On October 19th Gilad Skolnick, CAMERA’s Director of Campus Programming, visited George Mason University (GMU) where he met with leaders of the Israel Student Association, our EMET for Israel supported group on the campus. During his visit there was an Israeli triva event organized with Hillel, in a nearby restaurant. About 25 birthright alumni...

< 1 minute read

Campus Director Quoted in JPost

Last week, our International Campus Director, Aviva Slomich, was quoted in a Jerusalem Post article about Hillel President Eric Fingerhut’s announcement that he would not speak at the annual J Street Conference. Check out Aviva’s excerpt below, and read the full article here.

2 minute read

Divestment Loses at Northeastern University

On Monday, March 16, students piled into Northeastern University’s Hillel to meet and discuss the upcoming BDS vote in NU’s student government. The meeting opened with the director of Hillel, Arinne Braverman, offering words of encouragement for the outcome of the vote. Students, as well as community professionals from CAMERA, Combined Jewish...

< 1 minute read

Israel, More Than Just Politics

On Tuesday, May 6th, the CCAP group at Chico State University, Emet, held an event with professor Michael Leitner. It boasted 150 students and the University president, and was dedicated to a Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration. Through a brief discussion on Israeli Life and Leisure in the 21st Century, followed by Israeli...

2 minute read

CAMERA Partners with Drexel Hillel on Birthright Trip

CAMERA’s Gilad Skolnick just returned from a wonderful Birthright Reunion at Drexel University. This is our second year in a row of working with Drexel’s Hillel in sending students on Birthright. Unique aspects of this partnership include having Israeli soldiers stay for the full 10 days of the Birthright trip...

2 minute read

Swarthmore Hillel Defies Hillel International Guidelines for Israel Campus Speakers

Swarthmore Hillel votes to defy Hillel’s Policy pertaining to Israel programming; Hillel President rejects the Swarthmore resolution and insists that any group carrying the Hillel name abide by Hillel’s Standards for Partnership. Matters heated up recently within Hillel when, on December 8th, Swathmore Hillel Student Board announced it had voted unanimously to defy Hillel...

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