4 minute read

A Dangerous SJP Conference Comes to UCLA

Editor’s Note: Sign this petition to demand that UCLA adhere to its commitment to “mutual respect, equality and inclusion.” National SJP Conference–a meeting to antagonize Jews on campus There is little denying that anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism are on the rise, and a 2016 study by Brandeis University has a theory...

2 minute read

Being Indian, Being Israeli

On October 22 CAMERA’s Emet for Israel supported organization at Brandeis University, the Students for Accuracy about Israeli and Palestinian Affairs (SAIPA) brought Dr. Maina Singh to campus, along with  co-sponsor, South Asian Student Association (SASA), to hear her discuss her discoveries during her three years of research in Israel.   At the...

2 minute read

Israel and the UN: Hypocrisy of the Assembly

On October 7 Brandeis’ Emet for Israel supported group, Students for Accuracy about Israeli and Palestinian Affairs  (SAIPA), along with co-sponsors, Israel Campus Coalition and StandWithUs, recently brought Anne Herzberg of NGO-Monitor to campus. SAIPA wanted to bring Herzberg as a follow up to their event “Wheel of Misconceptions,” during which...

4 minute read

In Solidarity

They came with their posters and they came with their chants. “Judeonazi” they cried, as the rage filled their eyes and hate filled their hearts. “Allahu Akbar,” they exclaimed as they read off the list of people — both terrorists and civilians — killed in the recent conflict with Gaza....

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