Way back in the beginning of October and the end of September, CAMERA Senior Researcher and Ohio University alumnus, Eric Rozenman, wrote to the president of the university, Roderick McDavis. In his letters, Eric asked President McDavis to use the Blood Bucket Challenge as a “teachable moment” and strongly condemn academic boycotts...
Update: We Say NO to the “Blood Bucket Challenge!”
We will not give up! CAMERA follows up with the president of the University of Ohio, asking him to make a strong statement condemning the academic boycott of Israel, and a commitment to fighting lies on campus. Our two letters to the administration are reproduced in full, below: Oct. 8,...
Responding to Talk-Back Haters
In September, our letter about the “Blood-bucket challenge” at the University of Ohio was published in the University paper. Predictably, comments on the article included mendacious, anti-Israel accusations. Our analysts decided not to let these lies slide, and so wrote a response to the talk-backs. if you’ve ever been...