< 1 minute read

Happy New Year!

Happy (Gregorian) New Year!  We are sending a HUGE Thank You to all of our devoted friends, supporters, and students for your hard work and diligence!   May your 2015 be bold, beautiful, and bias-free. With love, CAMERA on Campus

2 minute read

Graduate Student at Missouri University Writes Strong Response to Saree Makdisi’s Anti-Israel Lecture

We are so proud of Daniel Swindell, a graduate student at Missouri University, for his Letter To The Editor in response to Saree Makdisi’s lecture at MU titled “The Everyday Occupation of Palestine.” Read Daniel’s piece below: Editor, the Tribune: I attended the Saree Makdisi lecture at MU titled “The Everyday Occupation of Palestine.”...

3 minute read

Harvard University’s SodaStream Situation

Last week, Harvard University’s dining services apparently decided to stop stocking SodaStream, due to some agitation against the company by College Palestine Solidarity Committee and the Harvard Islamic Society. Professor Alan Dershowitz set the record straight, as usual, with a timely op-ed in the Harvard Crimson, reproduced in full below....

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